Hey Family!
I'm running on short email time this week because we got here to the internet place with JUST enough time to have our full hour and a half and all the computers were full. This never happens. After about 5 minutes, someone left, so Sorella Roth started doing emails. Then I just sat there for 45 minutes watching five other people literally just waste 45 minutes of their lives. Like, if they had been doing something productive, like genealogy or something (haha) I could have forgiven it. But there was a woman just looking at the weather all over Italy for those 45 minutes and I just had to sit there and painfully watch as my precious email time ticked away... Anyway now I'm here writing and everything is fine :)
It's been an INCREDIBLE week. :) I just never want to leave Alessandria, I love it so much. President asked us all to make last week a special, consecrated week. He asked us to not do any scambios and to just really focus on our areas, doing the best we can to grow our own areas. So we took it and ran with it and we saw miracles all week long. The biggest miracle we saw all week is that on Thursday we started the day off with zero baptismal dates. I guess we were in an August lull. We knew we had investigators who were ready to get bap dates, but it just hadn't worked out yet. Well, by the time we came inside at 9 to do nightly planning, we had six baptismal dates! We were on cloud 9. We're really hoping and praying that these people can reach these goals. One is a new investigator from a couple of weeks ago named L. The other five are that family that finally came back from Ventimiglia. The only problem was that the family didn't show up at church. (L. did! Yay L.! AND she didn't drink coffee that morning!) We literally did ALL we could to try to get them to church. We passed by the night before letting them know we would be coming by an hour early to help them get up and ready for church. On Sunday morning we went and rang their cito, called them, but no one was responding. Finally someone came out of the apartment complex, so we were at least able to get in their building and all the way up to their front door. We heard someone moving around the kitchen inside, so we knock, the dog barks (I didn't even know they had a dog...), there's silence inside for a good 30 seconds and then regular moving noises. So we knock again. Same pattern. So then we just sat their on the staircase for a good ten minutes hoping...something would happen. But it didn't. So we knocked again. Same thing. Finally we decided to stop being stalkers and just go to church already. I was so sad and frustrated though! They KNOW they need to be baptized, they're just not acting and it's so sad. There's another mom and daughter we're working with right now that we're hoping to set baptismal dates for (and they came to church for the last half hour - we were so happy!). They could all use your prayers!I'm running on short email time this week because we got here to the internet place with JUST enough time to have our full hour and a half and all the computers were full. This never happens. After about 5 minutes, someone left, so Sorella Roth started doing emails. Then I just sat there for 45 minutes watching five other people literally just waste 45 minutes of their lives. Like, if they had been doing something productive, like genealogy or something (haha) I could have forgiven it. But there was a woman just looking at the weather all over Italy for those 45 minutes and I just had to sit there and painfully watch as my precious email time ticked away... Anyway now I'm here writing and everything is fine :)
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