Obviously Tokarski and I are sticking around. But my sister, Condie, is leaving us! Poor thing has been in Torino, LITERALLY, for her entire mission so far - a year. She was in Torino for 6 months and now has been in Collegno (the exact same district) for 6 months. And now she's heading to Montevarchi! A beautiful town 20 minutes away from Florence. To say I'm a little jealous would be an understatement. Naw, I love Torino. And I know I'm here for a reason. Just give me some rolling, Italian hills already! ;) I'm seriously so sad to see Condie go, but guess who's taking her place? Sorella Russell! My old comp! I'm so excited to see her and hang out with her on P-days again! It'll be like old times. Can't wait.
This week flew by. We've seen a couple of new, random investigators. And we had to say goodbye to basically our only progressing investigator, M. Her real house is in Calabria but she and her husband had an apartment here in Torino that they needed to sell, and that's why they were here for a few months. She has such a strong testimony and is so ready to be baptized (her husband, on the other hand, is not so ready for her to be baptized, hence the fact that she's still an investigator, but he's super cool anyway). So we had our last lesson with her yesterday and she leaves this weekend. But she's in contact with the sisters down there and I have no doubt she'll be baptized. Soon. I hope. We started seeing this awesome 24-year-old girl from China. Seriously adorable, with the strongest testimony of the Bible. We're seeing her again tonight and can't wait to get a Chinese copy of the Book of Mormon in her hands.
In other news, GENERAL CONFERENCE IS THIS WEEKEND. Words can't even describe how excited I am. We'll watch the womens conference at 4 on Saturday, then the Saturday morning session at 6. Then we come back on Sunday. The men watch Priesthood at 11, then we have the Saturday afternoon session at 2 and the Sunday morning session at 6. And then...we just don't get to watch the Sunday afternoon session. I'll be looking forward to the Ensign for sure! Can't wait.
Random things from this week: We had our last district meeting as a district and our district leader is actually dying this transfer, so we had a mock funeral AND the four of us sisters did a flash mob. Yeah. It was pretty awesome. I have a video of it, but it's too big to send over email so you're gonna have to wait for that beauty. I gave a talk in Sacrament Meeting on Sunday (my second one in this ward already!) and then I was quoted in the closing prayer and in the joint Priesthood/Relief Society meeting by the bishop! So that was cool. I guess sometimes my Italian actually makes sense. Thank goodness. ;) Also, the bishop all of a sudden started talking about missionary work. As the four missionaries in our ward, we've been working on making a family mission plan with each active family in the ward. So Tokarski and I went to the bishop's house last weekend to do it with him and it was great. Then in this meeting on Sunday he all of a sudden called us up there and had me explain to everyone what a family mission plan was and he got everyone all pumped up about it and was like, "I want everyone in the ward to invite the missionaries over during the month of April to do a family mission plan with your family." We were SO happy - it was seriously just what we needed.
Today for P-day, the four of us decided we were going to go see Superga (second time for me, first time for the others) but we got there literally 30 seconds late - just in time to see the little trolley making it's way up the hill. So instead we went to this adorable park/river thing and ate. (Tokarski and I bought some really yummy bread and brie and pesto - Condie and Jackman were mocking our sophisticated meal the whole time, but they were just jealous.) Then we headed back to Superga and hung out up there for an hour and a half. It was beautiful! I'll try to send pictures. Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. General Conference! Yay! AMORE.
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